Presentation: Ronnie Grabs

Hi, I'm Ronnie. Frontman in Berlin LINE-FIRE and responsible for: dance courses, training, workshops, technique classes, music, presentation, web page support, etc. I'm active competitor at UCWDC championships.

My real name is Ronald Grabs, but please say just Ronnie. I was born in 1968 under the sign of lion. First I learned restaurant expert (waiter), but I've hated this profession from the beginning. In the meantime I have also worked in a temporary employment agency, and thus met many professions. Then I had a small steel fixers company with my brother in law and have been trained at a Berlin Black music radio station to the moderator.

I came to the line dance during my radio time. By working with a black music station I was constantly on my mind with this music. I found a balance in a country pub. Finally, my head was once free. All my friends learn in this little pub Line Dance. Three years I needed until I tried it. Well, what happened then yes you can you think:

- Summer/Fall 1997: visit my first Line Dance course

- End of Summer 1998: first own dance classes in the Music Café RELAX

- September 15th 1999: Moving in the Mittelpunkt der Erde - Hönow

- March 28th 2008: Moving in the TIMELESS near train station "Berlin-Springpfuhl"

Among many other successes I was in January 2010 UCWDC world champion and moved up in the Line Dance Toplevel Division of the UCWDC for 40 and older "Crown". Other achievements in the success chronology.

Ronny Grabs